While driving a different route to school, I noticed beautiful bronzy cypress trees and figured out they were bald cypress (probably through Google Lens). First, I thought they only grew in wet conditions on the banks of rivers. Second, I never thought I would want one because of its prolific “knees,” gnarled appendages that stick up every which way out of the ground. I would surely bust a lawnmower blade to three!

when i drove past, they were a beautiful bronze.
Well, turns out, they are rather drought tolerant and don’t need to be planted in poor drainage areas. Better yet, they don’t grow knees if they’re planted in dry soil. Apparently, they only put those out for stabilization in mucky soils… so we’re good. They were just so stunning, I went online and purchased three baby trees, bare root. They wound up throwing in an extra for free. Bonus!

Well, they arrived, and I filmed the unboxing for you. They took a month to ship them out because they waited until the cooler temps in November. Apparently, according to the instructions, they keep them in a cooler. Would really like to learn more about how they do that!
Of course, they look like dead saplings with no leaves and no dirt on the roots. But this ain’t my first rodeo… so not to panic.
I simply planted them per the instructions knowing they will spring back to life next year.

I knew exactly where I would plant them in the former horse pasture to the east of where the rose garden is going. I really need to have more shade in that area since it is brutally hot and uninviting. I also would like to put a bench “room” right outside of my favorite woods on the property, with a secret path to get into the forest. These trees will offer a shady space to sit, and an inviting place to draw you in.
I spread them out 15-feet apart and mulched them with pine bark nuggets. They will mature to more than 20-30-feet wide and are expected to grow upwards of 100-120-feet tall and can survive up to 600 years! They are an important habitat and source of nourishment for many critters. The bark is cinnamon colored with a stringy texture. The needles are soft and lacy.
Chartreuse in the spring, green in summer, and russet in the fall, this tree even provides winter interest with its colorful bark. Just be sure you have the space for them!