
Plants that did not like to freeze

Well, last night we hit below freezing for the first time in a very long time. The water in the bird bath was frozen solid so much so that I couldn’t even break it as much as I tried.

Here is a list of plants that shriveled up but I think will make it through when spring arrives.

  • schefflera
  • kava kava
  • all the gingers
  • tradescantia
  • bleeding heart
  • hibiscus
  • citex/chaste tree
  • heliconias
  • turk’s cap
  • crotons
  • bananas
  • wedelia
  • elephant ears
  • pentas
  • giant milkweed
  • jacaranda
  • sanchezia
  • firebush
  • firespike
  • clerodenrum
  • brazilian cloak
  • wild coffee
  • allamanda
  • yesterday, today and tomorrow

Surprisingly, the bougainvilleas aren’t that bad (which is good because the one plant I hate cutting back the most is the one with the biggest thorns that “bites” the most). Several of the gingers seem okay too but most froze to the ground, as well as crinum lilies, but will certainly come back from their tubers.

Plants I brought inside before the freeze are: majesty palm, desert rose, bat flowers, and lemon lime dracaena. I left one dracaena out on the porch and it was fine until the next day but I think it will recover. I covered an anthurium with a pot and the two false agaves as well, which will pull through fine. The white bird of paradise plants are A-OK and so are the orange ones but they browned a little. Surprisingly, my lobster claw heloconia seems to have made it through as well. The jacaranda seems to be okay too but not sure it will produce all of those beautiful purple flowers this year, which seems to be the entire point of that tree, right? lol

I am also amazed that my ficus tree, rubber trees, roebellinis, several ferns etc. seem to be okay as well. All of the bromeliads are fine, and the staghorn ferns were placed on the ground and protected by oak canopy. For the most part, plants were more vulnerable out in the open than the same variety under the trees.

I think the one plant I wish I had covered is all the tradescantia I have… and only time will tell if the plumerias come back. I’m crossing my fingers.

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