gardening partial shade

Collecting and planting moonflower seeds


It’s the middle of November and the moonflowers have died back. It’s time to clean up the remnants and collect the seeds from the pods.

I love moonflowers, when planted in the proper place. They need room to grow unencumbered. If planted near smaller plants, they will quickly cover the space… like morning glories, black-eyed susans and blue sky vine. They areĀ fast-growing and can reach around 10 to 20 feet long. Therefore, they need good support to thrive beautifully… which they did not have here.

In this video, I remove the dead vines from the RV pad garden that was overtaken and looked messy with the moonflower thicket. Before I remove the vines, I carefully collect all of the seed pods so that 1) they don’t reseed in this area and 2) I can plant them where they will grow free and beautiful.

moonflower vines took over this small bed of knockout roses and the juvenile crape myrtle

Each of the pods had between one to four seeds with most having two. The healthy ones are large and bright white.

moonflower seed pod

After collecting them, and removing the vine, I walk down the property border and plant each one in the soil, barely covered, along the fence line. Since the seeds are hard, it is best to scarify (nick) them or soak them overnight. Hopefully, they will blossom and thrive next summer!

moonflower seeds

Will keep you posted. Happy Gardening!

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